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青森ヒバ 浴鹽 (ヒバ精油配合) HIBA WOOD BATH SALT

青森ヒバ 浴鹽 (ヒバ精油配合) HIBA WOOD BATH SALT

SKU: CJ 0081



由青森絲柏 ヒバ精油,加上日本北海道津輕海峽含量地下汲取的天然礦物質海水鹽。抗菌、放鬆安神等功效。


Hiba wood oil, and the natural mineral salt content drown from the Tsugaru Strait. It has anti-bacterial and relaxation effects.

  • 使用方法 HOW TO USE


    For foot bath or body bath. One pack each time.

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